Prior to class, based on readings and/or lecture materials, learners are asked to come up with 3 questions that they would like to ask their fellow learners. Learners are encouraged to formulate questions that would imply a thoughtful discussion. In class, learners then bring their questions to share.
This activity could be used with any content and is meant to encourage discussion, critical thinking, and connections with fellow learners. It is particularly useful when learners are learning about theory as it allows for a discussion to flow regarding different perspectives on human behavior and how society operates.
A version of this assignment was submitted to be part of a book chapter for Teaching Activities for Social Work: Creative Pedagogies to Engage Students.
Disciplines: Any
Courses: Any course that seeks to encourage dialogue and discussion; Introductory Courses, Survey Courses, Specialized Courses
Author: Tabashshum Jahan Islam, Social Welfare, CUNY Graduate Center